10 Hairstyles You Should Avoid at the Age of 50

10 Hairstyles You Should Avoid at the Age of 50

There are no strict rules for women over 50, but there are some hairstyles that may not suit women over 50 and might look a bit dated, according to me as a professional hairstylist. You need to try these hairstyles if you like them; you can carry them if you feel good about them. It’s important to choose a hairstyle that flatters your facial features rather than trying to follow trends or hide your age. Don’t worry. We have curated a list of 10 hairstyles you should avoid at the age of 50.

What Are the Hairstyles You Should Avoid at the Age of 50?

However, as I said in the above paragraph, personal preference and individual style are the most important things to consider, so feel free to wear what you love. Here are 10 hairstyles you should avoid at the age of 50:

Long Curls


As you age, long and unruly curls can be challenging to manage and may not present a polished appearance. They can add volume to your face, which might not be the best choice for older individuals.

One-length Bob


One-length bob hairstyles with sharp lines can sometimes appear severe and may not be the most flattering option for mature individuals. Softness is often preferred to minimize the appearance of aging.

Extremely Long Hair


Extremely long hair can be challenging to maintain as you age and may not complement all face shapes. It can make you look less youthful and fresh.

Overly Trendy Hairstyles

Overly trendy hairstyles can be fashionable but may not always complement a mature look. Choose styles that stand the test of time and suit your age.

Extremely Short Haircuts


Extremely short haircuts can be too severe for some and may not provide the desired softness and elegance that comes with age. Select a style that offers a more forgiving appearance.

Avoid Super Tight Updos


Extremely tight updos can emphasize wrinkles and create a stern appearance, which may not be the best choice for older faces. Opt for a more relaxed style.

Find a Balance in Hair Color

Light or dark hair colors can create a harsh contrast that may not be the most flattering for mature skin tones. Seek a balance that complements your overall appearance.

Avoid Super Short Pixie Cut


Super short pixie cuts can be dramatic but may not suit everyone over 50. Consider a pixie cut that provides the desired softness and framing for your features.

Avoid Bowl Cuts for a More Youthful Look

Bowl cuts may not be suitable for mature faces as they can accentuate fine lines and aging features, potentially making you look older.

Avoid Extremely Tight Curls for a More Flattering Look


Extremely tight curls can add volume and roundness to your face, which might not be the most flattering option for everyone. Opt for a more timeless hairstyle.


In conclusion, avoid hairstyles like the bowl cut, long curls, one-length bob, and others listed at 50 because they can make you appear older, emphasize wrinkles, or may not suit mature faces. It’s important to choose a hairstyle that flatters your facial features and personal style, as confidence and comfort are key to looking and feeling your best at any age.

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Jay Oza, a hairstylist turned Editor at Thrillinside.com. With a background of five years in the hairstyling industry, I have combined my passion for hairstyling with blogging, aiming to assist others on their hairstyle journey.